Python 3 for the FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC)

mjpg-streamer for RoboRIO 2016.3.0 released with OpenCV input plugin

I’m happy to announce the release of an OpenCV input plugin for mjpg-streamer, which allows you to write simple little filter plugins that can process the image from a webcam, and change what is streamed out via HTTP. You can install the mjpg-streamer-cv or mjpg-streamer-py packages using the instructions on our github repo. Here’s an example filter plugin:

import cv2
import numpy as np

class MyFilter:
    def process(self, img):
            :param img: A numpy array representing the input image
            :returns: A numpy array to send to the mjpg-streamer
                      output plugin
        # silly routine that overlays a really large crosshair over the image
        h = img.shape[0]
        w = img.shape[1]
        w2 = int(w/2)
        h2 = int(h/2)
        cv2.line(img, (int(w/4), h2), (int(3*(w/4)), h2), (0xff, 0, 0), thickness=3)
        cv2.line(img, (w2, int(h/4)), (w2, int(3*(h/4))), (0xff, 0, 0), thickness=3)
        return img
def init_filter():
        This function is called after the filter module is imported.
        It MUST return a callable object (such as a function or
        bound method). 
    f = MyFilter()
    return f.process

If you scp’ed this to the roborio, you could use the following command line to run it:

mjpg_streamer -i ' -r 320x240 --fps 15 --quality 30 --filter /usr/local/lib/mjpg-streamer/ --fargs /home/admin/'

Our team used the OpenCV plugin on our robot this weekend with a python script to do image processing and NetworkTables operations (Lifecam 3000, 320x240, 15fps, 30 quality), and it seemed to be about 20% CPU usage. Not too shabby. In theory, you could use this on a RPi or other platform too, as I’ve pushed the changes (plus some significant build system improvements) to mjpg-streamer upstream.