Python 3 for the FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC)

RobotPy 2015.0.4 released

This is a minor bugfix release of RobotPy, and is an optional upgrade for teams using RobotPy.

  • CANJaguar could not be initialized (fixes issue #120)
  • CANTalon is now implemented in the simulated HAL, which means you can use it from pyfrc tests and simulations

See all changes on github. You can download the latest release from github, or use the installer to upgrade your current installation of RobotPy.

RobotPy minor bugfix update 2015.0.3

This is a minor bugfix release of RobotPy, and is an optional upgrade for teams using RobotPy.

  • Some fixes for USBCamera
  • HALInitialize now gets called immediately when hal is imported (fixes issue #18)

See all changes on github. You can download the latest release from github, or use the installer to upgrade your current installation of RobotPy.

Critical pyfrc bugfix release 2015.1.0

If you used pyfrc 2015.0.x and uploaded code to your robot there was a critical bug that may prevent your robot from running robot programs (affects python and Java). To fix this, please upgrade pyfrc to the latest version, and run the following command:

Windows:    py -m pyfrc.robotpy.fixbug

Linux/OSX:  python3 -m pyfrc.robotpy.fixbug

Additionally, if you upgrade pyfrc, any future code deploys will check for this bug and repair it if found.

If you want to fix this manually, you can ssh in as admin, and execute rm /var/local/natinst/log/FRC_UserProgram.log.

We apologize for any inconvenience. More information can be found at

pyfrc 2015.0.1 released

The following bugs were fixed:

  • Code deployment failed when running on Windows (issue #11)
  • When running tests during deployment, the test directory would be deployed instead of the code directory

The following features were added:

  • --nc option has been added to show netconsole output after deployment, so you don’t have to start a separate netconsole listener

All users of pyfrc are encouraged to upgrade.

RobotPy 2015.0.2 released

This is a bugfix release of RobotPy.

  • Fixes a major bug that prevents you from using Encoders and other objects on the RoboRIO (see issue 114 for more info).
  • Fixes bugs in the CameraServer

See all changes on github. You can download the latest release from github, or use the installer to upgrade your current installation of RobotPy.