Python 3 for the FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC)

RobotPy 2024 is now available

This is the first year that Python has been an officially supported language! Lots of changes this year.

  • The biggest change is instead of python XXX, you run python -m robotpy XXX
  • The installation process will be much smoother! Just run python -m robotpy sync and python -m robotpy deploy in a directory with your robot code and everything will get downloaded and installed on the rio.
  • commands2 is not available yet, but hopefully soon

I am still working on updating the robotpy documentation site, but lots of documentation has been done on frc-docs! See for new documentation on defining requirements, deploy, and more.

Note that there is a 2024-compatible version of robotpy-commands-v2 available, it’s just marked as a beta release at this time because it’s incomplete and I’m not comfortable saying that it’s good to go. If you want to use it, you can set up the following pyproject.toml next to your

# Use this configuration file to control what RobotPy packages are installed
# on your RoboRIO


# Version of robotpy this project depends on
robotpy_version = "2024.1.1.1"

# Which extra RobotPy components should be installed
# -> equivalent to `pip install robotpy[extra1, ...]
robotpy_extras = [
    # "all"
    # "apriltag"
    # "commands2"
    # "cscore"
    # "navx"
    # "pathplannerlib"
    # "phoenix5"
    # "phoenix6"
    # "playingwithfusion"
    # "rev"
    # "romi"
    # "sim"

# Other pip packages to install
requires = [

After that, run python -m robotpy sync and it should download/install commands v2 + the kickoff release.