OpenCV 3.1.0 for binaries for RoboRIO
The RobotPy project has added precompiled OpenCV 3.1.0 binaries to our 2016 opkg feed, which makes it super easy to use python + opencv on the RoboRIO. I also compiled with Java bindings, so it should be usable from C++ or Java programs if you desire also.
If you want to build your own version, I’ve setup a Vagrant-based VM that you can use to cross compile it.
- At the moment it’s not compiled with FFMPEG/libav support, but that will be resolved soon
- These binaries will probably only work on a RoboRIO with a 2016 image.
- It would be nice to have a good ‘dev’ package that could be downloaded and easily inserted into Eclipse… feel free to add a script that creates this and submit a pull request. :)